Mechanic Visitor Counter

Mechanic Visitor Counter

Table of contents

Mechanic Visitor Counter is a widgets which will display the Visitor counter and traffic statistics on WordPress.Some of the features offered include Today Visitor, Today Hits, Total Hits, Total Visit, Who’s Online and IP Address Visitors. Upload and Install WordPress Visitor Counter Plugins, Activate and Drag the Widgets in to your WordPress Sidebar. And this plugins will useless for a thousands of websites. If you were here, download and install it, you'll like it.


How to add more counter Images?

As of now, adding another counter images, you can do to access the folder “styles/image/” on the installation of plugins

How to add language?

Since version 3.1 to contribute to translate, please email me at Or just take the example in plugin installation “languages” folder -> wp-statsmechanic-en_GB.po

Shortcode Using

A basic usage for the shortcode is

[mechanic_visitor instance="title=Title&today_view=1&yesterday_view=1"]

Shortcode parameters

title = The title of shortcode that must be displayed.

today_view = display (1) or hide them (0).

yesterday_view =  display (1) or hide them (0).

month_view =  display (1) or hide them (0).

year_view =  display (1) or hide them (0).

total_view =  display (1) or hide them (0).

totalhits_view =  display (1) or hide them (0).

online_view =  display (1) or hide them (0).

ip_display =  display (1) or hide them (0).

server_time =  display (1) or hide them (0).

statsmechanic_align = Right, Left & Center.





= 1.0 =
Upgrage to 1.1 version

= 1.1 =
Upgrage to 1.2 version

= 1.2 =
Fix images system, upgrade to 1.3 version

= 1.3 =
Upgrage to 1.4 version

= 1.4 =
Fix author credit options, upgrade to 1.5 version

= 1.5 =
Upgrage to 1.6 version

= 1.6 =
Upgrage to 1.7 version

= 1.7 =
Fix image issues, Upgrage to 1.8 version

= 1.8 =
Fix auto hide IP address and Server Time, Upgrage to 2.0 version

= 2.0 =
Adding new feature option in the widgets area.

= 2.1 =
Adding Image Counter styles and align options.

= 2.2 =
fix image patch.

= 2.3 =
upgrade to 2.4 version

= 2.4 =
fix total hits and widget options.

= 2.5 =
adding yesterday, this month, this year statistics

= 2.6 =
fix / path of some image

= 2.7 =
Universal Image path

= 2.9 =
remove author credit selector

= 3.0 =
1. fix primary on table
2. adding view and hits starting number
3. remove 3 image counter
4. upgrade options setting
5. fix privilage access

= 3.1 =

1. adding localization or translation
2. adding PHP Version compability
3. adding 3 image counter style
4. fix php and mysql query

= 3.2 =
1. fix readme.txt

= 3.2.1 =
1. adding plugin credit option
2. adding count start at Total Visit

= 3.2.2 =
1. adding turkish language, contribution by Yunus BOZKURT
2. adding image count length

= 3.3.2 = 
1. adding shortcode function
2. remove sidebar on visitor counter options


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